RIGHT - Lesson Learned : do not park a campervan in Edinburgh. Vandals tried to get inside now on two occassions. They could not get in as it is a double pane- but damaged the outer windows. Windows still function - one opens fully, other one has missing swing arm (could not find it when they broke in ...) but still folds out. All plastic and metal and rubber seals and fasteners for the windows themselves required and attached to the cabin body are fully intact and functional.
I didn’t fix these because it required removing windows and shipping it for a few weeks to repair center. I had no place to park the van safely and protected from elements (no garage) as I am just a student from America so no family, friends, etc. which could 'protect' the caravan whilst the windows were removed for repair.
These can be fixed - this is a common issue with these vehicles and done regularly. ECCO Caravan - specialists in Bambi/Romahome = £297 all inclusive (return shipping, VAT for each window) I have form/quote etc. from them which will be included. THIS FEE is for a fully functioning window (open/closing which will definitely work for ONE window, not sure aobut other window missing opening arm - but these can be found on ebay or elsewhere.
A cheaper option is to just have a non-opening window - that is no arms to swing out, no fixtures, but just a plastic window which sits in the seals. These windows only opened up around 6-8 inches anyways so not much benefit I feel.
Above is how each window looks now. I got some helicoptor DUCT tape and they are now solid, waterproof, and sturdy. You can EASILY use the van with the windows in this condition as all outer attachments are in place.
I will not describe each window and provide pictures:
On this window, all the plastic window pieces are intact. They were taped with clear duct-tape. Waterproof so no mould, smell, wetness inside. Has worked fince since this happened in October 2013. No problems. Still opens and all interior fixings work fine and intact. So superficial damage (cracking) repaired with tape. No cracks tot he corners of edges of the window really (1 or 2 came to the edge)
First picture directly below is of the window with just clear tape. I then got the special clear duct tape which is on all other pictures. The bottom pictures show the interior window (glazing) which is also cracked but not affect integrity not functioning of the window.

This window is missing some plastic pieces - see pictures - but still intact and taped to again be waterproof and solid. NO MOULD, NO WATER COMING IN since October 2014.